Mesh Compression

As of v4.2 glTF draco mesh compression is no longer supported. Reference CMP_Mesh lib for alternate implementations.

Mesh compression/decompression provided in Compressonator by adding the following lines:

// Mesh Compression and Decompression
std::string         src_file = "source.gltf";       //input source glTF file
std::string         dst_file = "destination.gltf";  //output destination glTF file
std::string         err;                            //error messages
tinygltf2::Model    model;
tinygltf2::TinyGLTF loader;
tinygltf2::TinyGLTF saver;

bool perform_mesh_compression = true;  //flag to turn on/off compression
bool is_src_file_draco        = false; //flag to indicate source file is compressed or not-
                                       //can be replaced with helper function provided below to check for glTF compressed file

bool ret = loader.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, src_file, perform_mesh_compression);
if (ret)
    printf("read success");
    printf("read fail: %s", err);


CMP_CompressOptions CompressOptions;
// it is recommended to use only default settings, other settings may result in corrupt in resource like texture.
CompressOptions.iCmpLevel    = CMP_MESH_COMP_LEVEL;    //setting: compression level (range 0-10: higher mean more compressed) - default 7
CompressOptions.iPosBits     = CMP_MESH_POS_BITS;      //setting: quantization bits for position - default 14
CompressOptions.iTexCBits    = CMP_MESH_TEXC_BITS;     //setting: quantization bits for texture coordinates - default 12
CompressOptions.iNormalBits  = CMP_MESH_NORMAL_BITS;   //setting: quantization bits for normal - default 10
CompressOptions.iGenericBits = CMP_MESH_GENERIC_BITS;  //setting: quantization bits for generic - default 8

ret = saver.WriteGltfSceneToFile(&model, &err, dst_file, CompressOptions, is_src_file_draco, perform_mesh_compression);

if (ret)
    printf("write success");
    printf("write fail: %s", err);
// end of Mesh Compression and Decompression

Helper function

//Utility function to check for glTF draco compressed file
bool isGLTFCompressedFile(std::string filename)
    nlohmann::json j3;
    std::ifstream  f(filename);
    if (!f)
        return false;

    f >> j3;

    auto extrequired = j3["extensionsRequired"];

    for (int i = 0; i < extrequired.size(); i++)
        std::string extname = extrequired[i].get<std::string>();
        if (extname.find("KHR_draco_mesh_compression") != string::npos)
            return true;

    auto extused = j3["extensionsUsed"];

    for (int j = 0; j < extused.size(); j++)
        std::string extnameused = extused[j].get<std::string>();
        if (extnameused.find("KHR_draco_mesh_compression") != string::npos)
            return true;

    return false;