
There are several types of tool bars. Depending on user preferences, some can be moved to a new location on the application and others can either be displayed or hidden by selecting the image0 button.

Note: The Toolbar view setting is reset when the application is restarted.

Application Toolbar


image2 Create a new project
image3 Open an existing project file (project files have the extension .cprj)
image4 Saves any changes to the current project
image5 Open image files to add to the Project Explorer
image6 Open an application settings dialog
image7 Delete the current selected items on the Project Explorer

Process all selected images (that might be compresssion, decompression, or transcoding)

If no items are selected when the button is clicked, it will default to processing every item in the project.

image9 View image difference for a processed image (sub item) with the original image (branch item)
image10 Generate mipmaps for every selected image based on the specified minimum size.

Image View Toolbar


image12 image13image14image15 Select the background the image is displayed on (default black)
image16 Zoom into or out of the image using a specific scale (100 = original size) Min setting is 10 and Max is 9999
image17 Displays the image at its original size
image18 Sets the image display to fit the current view
image19 Restore the original image view to default
image20 Toggles the image’s red channel on or off
image21 Toggles the image’s green channel on or off
image22 Toggles the image’s blue channel on or off
image23 Toggles the image’s alpha channel on or off
image24 Toggles display of a greyscale version of the image
image25 Toggle between original and inverted colours
image26 Mirrors the image horizontally
image27 Mirrors the image vertically
image28 Rotates the image clockwise by 90 Degrees
image29 Rotates the image counter clockwise by 90 Degrees

Additional Toolbar options will be displayed when viewing certain type of images, such as an image diff or images with multiple mipmap levels

image30 Increases the brightness of the image
image31 Decreases the brightness of the image
image32 Selecting a mipmap level in the dropdown will switch the image view to display that specific mipmap level (index 0 is the original image).

View Image Diff Toolbar


image34 | Displays an Image Difference to the left of two stacked images.
Original on top and Processed Image at the bottom.
image35 | Organizes three image views (Original Image, Image Difference and Processed Image)

in a horizontal line

The Property View displays Peak Signal Noise Ratio and Mean Square Error

for the processed image as compared to the original.

MSE measures the cumulative squared error between the processed image and

original image. (Value of 0 = Original image)

PSNR measures the peak error in (dB) – (extremely high value = original image)


Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) measures a perceived quality factor from a

scale of 0 (= No similarity) to 1 (= Original image). |

Each channel of the processed image is indexed with the original and then averaged

to a single value.